Current Positions
Guest Professor at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, China
Adjunct Faculty, Art Dept., Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts, Webster University, St. Louis/USA Freelance artist
Academic Achievements
Privatdozent, Habilitation for »Graphic Arts with an emphasis in Printmaking and Printmedia«
at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna/Austria, 2014
Japan, 1997
Diploma in Japanese language, Yokohama National University, Yokohama/Japan, 1993
University Teaching Experience
since April 2024
Tokyo University of the Arts, Printmaking Laboratory 1, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Western Painting, Tokyo/Japan
Teaching: Printmaking, Contemporary Art Practice
since October 2015
Tokyo University of the Arts, Printmaking Laboratory 1, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Western Painting, Tokyo/Japan
Associate Professor
Teaching: Printmaking, Contemporary Art Practice
since 2017
Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, China
Guest Professor
Teaching: Printmedia, Printmaking
2007 - 2015
University of Applied Arts, Institute of Fine Arts and Media Art, Department of Graphic Art and
Printmaking, Vienna/Austria
Senior Artist
Teaching: Reliefprint, Letterpress Printing, Computer Aided Printmaking, Interdisciplinary Projects
since 2013
Webster University/Art Department, Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts, St. Louis/USA
Adjunct Faculty
Teaching: Printmedia, Printmaking
2003 - 2013
Webster University/Art Department, Vienna/Austria
Assistant Professor (2009-2013), Studio Art Coordinator (2011-2013), Junior Research Faculty (2007-2009), Adjunct Faculty (2003-2007)
Teaching: Alternative Media, Creative Strategies, Printmaking (Introduction & Advanced), Book Arts, Advanced Book Design, Painting Practice, Drawing Practice, Introduction to Curatorial Studies, Contemporary Studio Practice, Conceptual Art, Vienna Projects - Professional Practice, Visual Culture in Japan, Management in the Arts. Coordinating and overseeing all studio art courses and facilities.
October 2013
Gwen Frostic School of Art/Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo/USA
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Mokuhanga Monoprint
January - March 2011
Webster University/Art Department, St. Louis/USA
Guest Professor
Teaching: Advanced Printmaking, Etching, Japanese Woodblock Printing
Supervision of graduating students, preparation for the SGCI Conference in St. Louis in
March 2011
November 2005
Marmara University/School of Fine Arts, Istanbul/Turkey
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Nontoxic and Computer Aided Printmaking
Lectured on »Contemporary Printmaking«
August - October 2005
Webster University/Art Department, St. Louis/USA
Visiting Professor
Teaching: Advanced Etching (graduate and undergraduate level), Introduction to Drawing
October 2003
Aichi University of Fine Arts/Art Department, Aichi/Japan
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Nontoxic and Computer Aided Printmaking
Lectured on »Contemporary Printmaking in Europe«
October 2002
Webster University/Art Department, St. Louis/USA
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Wood-block Printing
Lectured on »Contemporary Printmaking«
March 2002
Academy of Fine Arts/Institute for Fine arts, Vienna/Austria
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Computer Aided Printmaking
March 2001
School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/USA
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Experimental Wood-block Printing
January 2001
University of Applied Arts, Vienna/Austria
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Traditional and Japanese Wood-block Printing Techniques
May 1996
Academy of Fine Arts/Institute for Art education, Vienna/Austria
Visiting Artist
Teaching: Relief Printmaking
Selected Academic Service
2010 - 2015
Elected Chair of the Curricular Commission for Fine Arts at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna/Austria
Member of the Research Faculty Committee of Webster University Vienna/Austria
Contract negotiations for the establishment of Research & Student Exchange between the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Joshibi University of Art and Design, Tokyo/Japan.
Contract signed in 2009.
Contract negotiations for the establishment of Research & Student Exchange between the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo University of the Arts. Contract signed in 2009.
2007 - 2015
Member of the Curricular Commission for Fine Arts at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna/Austria
2007 - 2010, 2012
Member of the Entrance Exam Commission for Fine & Media Arts, University of Applied Arts, Vienna/Austria
2007 - 2015
Member of the Conference of the Institute of Fine & Media Arts, University of Applied Arts, Vienna/Austria
2004 - 2006
Support for Webster University Vienna to gain accreditation for the Art Program by the Austrian
Accreditation Council
Member of the BFA Review Committee at Webster University St. Louis/USA
Related Professional Experience
Jury member for the international Art competition Art Olympia 2024 in Atami/Japan
Jury member for the international Art competition Art Olympia 2022 in Atami/Japan
2011 - 2014
Board-Member for the organization of the 2nd International Mokuhanga Conference in Tokyo 2014
2010 - 2015
Founder and editor of im:print - Zustandsprotokolle aktueller Druckgrafik/Journal of the current state of printmaking, peer-reviewed Year book in German and English, published in the Edition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna by Springer WienNewYork. Co-editor: Philipp Maurer
2006 - 2015
Co-founder and staff-writer of Um:Druck - Journal for Printmaking and Visual Culture, quarterly
magazine published by Philipp Maurer/Friends of Printmaking, Vienna/Austria
1996 - present
Editor & director of the publishing company edition ps with emphasis on Book Arts, Artist books, Art books/catalogs and book design. Co-editor: Elisabeth Parth
Member of the pre-jury for the exhibition International Print Network Cracow - Oldenburg - Vienna 2009-2011, on the occasion of SMTG International Print Triennial Cracow/Poland
2006 - 2007
Art Director for the new design of the County Museum in Landeck Castle, Landeck/Austria
1997 - 2005
Staff-writer of Wiener Kunsthefte. Journal for Printmaking, Vienna/Austria
Solo Exhibitions
2017 Graustufen, Galerie Schloss Museum, Landeck/Austria 2013 reagenz, Atelier Kårrnerwaldele, Landeck/Austria 2012 my art Gallery, Vienna/Austria
2010 the making of übertragung / transfer, Alte Schieberkammer, Vienna/Austria (catalog)
2010 übertragung / transfer, my art Gallery, Vienna/Austria
2009 yokaze no uta, altern‘art CY, Tokyo/Japan
2007 effigy, Gallery Syun, Nagoya/Japan
2005 Gegen den Strich, Dengel Gallery, Reutte/Austria
2005 Impression - Rekonstruktion, Austrian Culture Forum, Istanbul/Turkey
2005 Unentschlüsselte Tafeln & Polymerdruck, Gallery 22a, Innsbruck/Austria
2004 Gallery APA, Nagoya/Japan
2003 Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
2003 Gallery Yoseido, Tokyo/Japan (catalog)
2002 Karmeliter Church, Wiener Neustadt/Austria
2001 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/USA
2000 Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
2000 Gallery Theodor von Hörmann, Imst/Austria
1999 Graphic Collection, Vienna/Austria (catalog)
1998 rekonstruktionen, Art pavillon, Innsbruck/Austria (catalog)
1997 State gallery, Istanbul/Turkey
1997 rekonstruktionen, inn-gallery, Kufstein/Austria
1996 National Picture Gallery, Ankara/Turkey
1996 Austrian Cultural Forum, Istanbul/Turkey
1995 Gallery Andechshaus, Innsbruck/Austria
1995 Gallery Alte Schmiede, Vienna/Austria
1993 Ding o.T., Castle-Museum Landeck, Landeck/Austria (catalog)
1994 Gallery Yoyogi, Tokyo/Japan
1994 Gallery Mukei No Ie, Fujino/Japan
1991 Ding o.T., Theseustempel, Vienna/Austria
1991 Gallery Hermannstraße, Chemnitz/Germany
2 to 4 Person Exhibitions
2021 Series Portfolios, with Antonio Neto, Daniel Pfauth, Daniel Pizani & Wolfgang Seierl, Gallery Hochdruck, Vienna/Austria
2007 Druckgrafik in der Klimt Villa, with Oswald Auer & Wolfgang Tambour, Klimt Villa, Vienna/Austria
2007 Joint Research & Development II, with Teruo Isomi & Seiichiro Miida, Gallery Syun, Nagoya/Japan
2007 Graphik, Bilder, Objekte, with Elke Maier, Gallery Nothburga, Innsbruck/Austria
2006 Joint Research & Development I, with Teruo Isomi & Seiichiro Miida, Galerie 22a, Innsbruck/Austria
2003 The Print Exhibition, with Teruo Isomi & Seiichiro Miida, Gallery Syun, Nagoya/Japan (catalog)
2001 Three Artists, Gallery Goldener Engel, Hall/Austria
Group Exhibitions
2025 Xylon Austria 2024/25, KunstVorarlberg - Villa Claudia, Feldkirch/Austria
2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan 2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan Lafcadio Hearn Library at Toyama University/Japan
2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan 2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan Yeats Building/Hyde Bridge Gallery Sligo/Ireland
2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan Shibuya Cultural Center Owada, Tokyo/Japan (catalog) 2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan 2024 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan Shibuya, Tokyo/Japan
2023 Kwaidan . Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn . An Exhibition by Artists from Ireland and Japan, Yaizu Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum, Yaizu (Shizuoka)/Japan project by Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan), University of the Arts Bremen (Germany),
Art University Halle – Burg Giebichenstein (Germany), University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Austria), St Lucas School of Art in Antwerp (Belgium) and the Royal College of Art in London (UK), Tokyo University of the Arts Learning Commons/Japan (invitation) Shibuya Cultural Center Owada, Tokyo/Japan (catalog) Owada, Tokyo/Japan
Bildender Künstler Österreichs / Landesverband Kärnten, Klagenfurt/Austria (catalog) 2021 Power of symbiosis, 2021 International Watermark Woodcut Print Invitation Exhibition, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing/China
Laa an der Thaya/Austria (catalog)
2020 EAST AND WEST International Art Education Union Cloud Community Launch & International Art Academies Online Exhibition, organized by Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts/China (Video) 2019 Japanism in 2019, Second Museum, Seoul/Korea
2019 Tokyo Independent, Chinretsukan, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
2019 5th TIAF, Kobun Gallery, Tokyo/Japan
2019 Jikihitsu . The Signature of the Artist, Pavilion of the Association of Polish Architects,
2019 AJP, OAG House, Tokyo/Japan
2019 Graphica Creativa/Graphic Triennial, Museum Jyväskulä, Finland
2019 Contemporary Printmakers and Mid Century Modern Architects, Ink Shop Gallery,
Ithaca NY/USA
2018 35th Corean International Art Expo, Guri Art Hall Gallery, Seoul/Korea
2018 room 214, Gallery den5 in Suginami-ku, Tokyo/Japan
2018 Daigaku Hanga Ten, Machida Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo/Japan
in Hiketa, Kagawa Prefecture/Japan (catalog) 2018 4th TIAF, Kobun Gallery, Tokyo/Japan
2017 35th Corean International Art Expo, Shanghai Shifan Art Museum, Shanghai/China
2017 A lonely impulse of delight, Chinretsukan, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
2017 Faculty of Fine Arts Exhibition . 130 years of Geidai - 110 years of Mitsukoshi,
Mitsukoshi Main Store Nihombashi, Art Floor, Tokyo/Japan
2017 Tokyo University of the Arts Charity Exhibition, Tokyo Bijutsu Club - Tobi Museum, Tokyo/Japan
2017 Origin, Setagaya Museum/Taiji Kiyokawa Gallery, Tokyo/Japan
2017 Block Making as a Means of Painting, China Academy of Art/China Cultural Center,
2016 Xylon Austria 2016, City Gallery Traun, Linz/Austria (catalog)
2016 Xylon Austria 2016, Kulturhaus Bruckmühle, Pregarten/Austria (catalog)
2016 Xylon Austria 2016, Mirabell Castle, Salzburg/Austria (catalog)
2016 International Exchange Exhibition 2016, College of Art & Design, Daegu University, Korea
2016 Sino-Japanese exhibition of Contemporary Print, Chinese Culture Center, Tokyo/Japan
2016 Six Art Universities of Tokyo - Prints by Fulltime Faculty, Bumpodo Gallery Cafe, Chiyoda-ku,
2015 NEWS 2015, Tokyo University of the Arts Art Space, Tokyo/Japan 2014 Xylon Austria 2014, Gallery im 44er Haus, Leonding/Austria (catalog) 2014 Xylon Austria 2014, City Gallery Wolfsberg/Austria (catalog) Mokuhanga Conference, The University Art Museum/Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
2014 International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2014 ROC, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung/Taiwan (catalog)
2014 Xylon Austria 2014, Xylon Museum + Werkstätten, Schwetzingen/Germany (catalog) 2014 International Art - Camp Yalova - 2013, MAMÜ Gallery, Budapest/Hungary
2014 Critical Mass, Centro Internacional de la Estampa Contemporánea/Fondación CIEC,
La Coruña/Spain
2014 Critical Mass, GaleRica, Makarska/Croatia
2014 From There to Here, Southern Graphics Council International Conference, San Francisco CA/USA
2014 Critical Mass, Little Art Parlour Gallery, Novi Sad/Serbia (catalog)
2013 Old Masters - Young Masters, Gallery Hochdruck, Vienna/Austria (catalog)
2013 4th Academy Shanghai Contemporary Print Exhibition, Tongji University, Shanghai/
China (catalog)
2013 Kapı/Door, Yalova Biennial, City Museum Yalova/Turkey (catalog)
2013 Critical Mass, Estampa - Art Múltiple, Madrid/Spain
2013 Critical Mass, Little Gallery, University of Calgary, Canada
2013 Critical Mass, PRINT:MKE, SGCI 2013, Milwaukee/USA
2013 Critical Mass, Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Vienna/Austria
2013 2nd Gathering Talents - Series Selection of Printmaking Masters, 6th Hangzhou Art Exposition, Hangzhou/China (catalog)
2013 Visegrafiken+, Slovakian Institute, Wien/Austria (catalog)
2012 The Origin of the Dimension - The 2nd Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai/China (catalog)
2012 Photographik - Wirklichkeit und Druck, Karl-Renner-Institute, Vienna/Austria
2012 Xylon Austria 2012, Gymnasium Zell am See, Salzburg/Austria (catalog)
2012 Xylon Austria 2012, City Gallery Traun, Upper Austria (catalog)
2012 Xylon Austria 2012, Arik Brauer House Voitsberg, Styria/Austria (catalog)
2012 Montag ist erst übermorgen: Acquisitions of Contemporary Art by the Graphic Collection, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 1997-2012, xhibit at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (catalog)
2012 255 K. - 20 Jahre Galerie im Andechshof, Innsbruck/Austria (catalog)
2011 Tokyo¬Berlin¬Wien. Printmaking from Austria, my art Gallery, Vienna/Austria
2011 Printmaking from China and Austria, Shanghai Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai/China (catalog)
2010 5a Bienal Internacional de Gravura - Douro 2010, Alijo, Favaois, Foz Côa, Régua, Vila Real, Porto/Portugal (catalog)
2010 Contemporary Graphic, Collection Peintner, Museum Ballhaus, Imst/Austria
2010 Tokyo¬Berlin¬Lienz. Printmaking from Austria, Gallery 9900, Lienz/Austria
2010 Vienna¬Tokyo¬Berlin. Printmaking from Austria, AKG Berlin/Germany
2010 Current Woodblockprint. XYLON Austria, Thöni Academy, Telfs/Austria (catalog)
2010 Current Woodblockprint. XYLON Austria, Town Gallery House 44, Leonding/Austria (catalog)
2009 Printmaking from Vienna, Gallery CIEL, Tokyo/Japan
2009 The Traditional - Today, Ueno Town Art Museum & Art Plaza, Tokyo/Japan
2009 50th Japan Print Society Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tokyo/Japan
2009 Further ..., Galería Políglota, Buenos Aires/Argentina
2009 Printed in Vienna, National Art Gallery, Sofia/Bulgaria
2009 Printed in Vienna - Polymerprints, Etching Association (Verein für Original-Radierung), Munich/Germany
2008 100 Works by Austrian Contemporary Printmakers, Maecenas Art Forum, Berlin/Germany
2008 PAPER - prints, printmaking, Ueno Town Museum, Tokyo/Japan
2008 Xylon 0809, Ursulinenhof (Cultural Center of Upper Austria), Linz/Austria (catalog)
2008 Xylon 0809, Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch/Austria
2008 Kunst-besessen, Art Forum ARTissima, Mättenwil/Switzerland (catalog)
2008 Woodcut, Gallery art.ig, Vienna/Austria
2008 Further ..., Malone Gallery/Troy University, Alabama/USA
2008 Japan Exchange Exhibition - Prints from Nagoya, Cecile R. Hunt Gallery, St. Louis MO/USA
2007 Paaren, Forum Wolkersdorf Castle, Wolkersdorf/Austria
2007 Print. Triennale Krakau - Oldenburg - Wien, Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
2007 Contemporary Print Art, Falun Triennial, Falun/Sweden (catalog)
2007 Further to »Printmaking at the Edge«, Art Space Wohlleb, Vienna/Austria
2007 Polymerdruck, Office for Printmaking, Vienna/Austria
2007 The Edge, Hamni Museum of Photography, Seoul/Korea (catalog)
2007 Further ..., RJ Reynolds Gallery, Winston-Salem NC/USA
2007 Further ..., Grafikos Galerija, Kaunas/Lithuania
2007 Further ..., Silicon Gallery, Philadelphia/USA
2007 Further ..., Hornan Gallery, Falun/Sweden
2007 Further ..., Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee/Belgium
2007 Further ..., Galleria Harmonia, Jyväskylä/Finland
2006 Further ..., Salem Fine Arts Center, Winston-Salem NC/USA
2006 Graphik für die Schweiz, NN-Fabrik, Oslip/Austria
2006 hier und jetzt, Gallery Maurer, Vienna/Austria
2006 buchkunst . buchgraphik . buchobjekte, Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
2006 17th International Triennial for Original Graphic Prints, Grenchen/Switzerland (catalog)
2006 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, Neue Sächsische Gallery, Chemnitz/Germany
2006 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, Barockschlössl Mistelbach/Austria
2006 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, Castle-Gallery, Landeck/Austria
2006 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, Xylon Museum, Schwetzingen/Germany
2005 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, City Art Museum Spendhaus, Reutlingen/Germany
2005 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, Gewerbemuseum, Winterthur/Switzerland
2005 dreifach - Xylon A-CH-D, Documentation Centre for Modern art, St. Pölten/Austria (catalog)
2004 Contemporary Austrian Printmaking, Austrian Culture Institute, Istanbul/Turkey
2004 100 Years of Japanese Wood-block Print, Nagoya City Museum of Art, Nagoya/
Japan (catalog)
2004 Xylon, Salzburg/Austria (catalog)
2004 Wiener Druck Werk, Gallery of Kulturbund Treptow, Berlin/Germany
2004 Druckgrafik aus Österreich, Gallery Lithowerkstatt, Berlin/Germany
2003 Art from Austria, Innsbrook Resort, Innsbrook/USA
2003 Faculty Exhibition, Hunt Gallery/Webster University, St. Louis/USA
2003 16th International Triennial for Original Graphic Prints, Grenchen/Switzerland (catalog)
2003 7th International Biennial of Miniature Art, Serbia/Montenegro (catalog)
2003 10 Jahre Galerie Schmidt, Gallery Schmidt, Reith i. A./Austria
2003 EuropArt, Geneva/Switzerland
2002 Global Fusion, Vienna/Austria (catalog)
2002 Salon International de l’Estampe, Paris/France
2002 Estampa, Madrid/Spain (catalog)
2002 New Traditions in Printmaking, Webster University, St. Louis/USA
2001 Schwarz auf Weiss, Rabalderhaus, Schwaz/Austria
2001 Euro Print Triennial, Falun/Sweden (catalog)
2001 Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières, Québec/
Canada (catalog)
2001 Ilusie, Gallery Parade, Amsterdam/Netherlands
2001 Grenzenlos, Hofburg, Innsbruck/Austria
2000 Von Platten, Stöcken und Steinen, Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
2000 15th International Triennial for Original Graphic Prints, Grenchen/Switzerland (catalog)
2000 International Print Triennial, Kraków/Poland (catalog)
2000 Baren Exchange Print Exhibition, Chicago/USA
2000 Printmaking today, Neuberg a. d. Mürz/Austria
2000 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/USA
2000 New Austrian Spotlight, Marmara University, Istanbul/Turkey (catalog)
2000 Artco Gallery, Leipzig/Germany
1999 23rd International Biennial of Graphic Art, Ljubljana/Slowenia (catalog)
1999 10th International Print Biennial, Varna/Bulgaria (catalog)
1999 Printmaking Today, Documentation Centre for Modern Art, St. Pölten/Austria
1999 0 auf 1, Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
1998 Estampa, Madrid/Spain
1998 art multiple, Düsseldorf/Germany (catalog)
1998 Editions of Art, Innsbruck/Austria (catalog)
1998 75 Jahre Stadt Landeck, Landeck/Austria (catalog)
1998 Diesseits/Jenseits, Augustinermuseum, Rattenberg/Austria
1997 AJAC XXIII, Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo/Japan (catalog)
1997 Wien ArtSphere, Gallery Crillon, Tokyo/Japan
1996 Graduate Print Exchange Exhibition, National University, Seoul/Korea (catalog)
1996 Art Austria 1000, Fujino/Japan
1996 2nd Asahi Art Foundation Competition, Asahi Gallery, Tokyo/Japan (catalog)
1996 Graduate Work Exhibition, National University of Fine Arts and Music, Tokyo/Japan
1996 Austria Art Sphere, Gallery Crillon, Tokyo/Japan
1995 Machida International Museum for Graphic Arts, Tokyo/Japan
1995 City Gallery, Fukushima/Japan
1994 1st Asahi Art Foundation Competition, Asahi Gallery, Tokyo/Japan (catalog)
1993 Austrian Graphic Arts Competition, Museum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck/Austria (catalog)
1992 Centre of Congress, Innsbruck/Austria
1992 Kunst vom Holz, Gallery Wolfrum, Vienna/Austria
1991 Junge Kunst, Gallery Palais Taxis, Innsbruck/Austria (catalog)
2023 かいじゅうの目 . The Kaiju Eye Print collection, portfolio featuring works by Faculty and Students from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Japan
2018 Place/Meaningful Space, themed Portfolio by 20 artists, coordinated by Aleksandra
Janik & Magdalena Hlawacz on the occasion of the Southern Graphics Council International
Conference, Las Vegas/USA »more 2014 From There to Here, print portfolio with 18 artists from around the world, coordinated by
Karen Kunc and Rokeya Sultana, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE/USA
2012 Critical Mass, print portfolio with 44 artists from around the world, coordinated by Rhianna Lynn Andrews and Nathaniel Stern, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI/USA
2012 20 Artists - 20 Views, Contemporary mokuhanga, print portfolio with 20 artists from around
the world, coordinated by Melissa Schulenberg, St. Lawrence University, NY/USA
2007 Further ..., print portfolio with 35 artists from around the world, coordinated by Scott Betz,
Winston-Salem State University, NC/USA
2000 0 auf 1, print portfolio together with the Austrian printmakers Wolfgang Buchta, Georg Lebzelter, Henriette Leinfellner and Veronika Steiner, coordinated by Philipp Maurer, Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
2019 Ausgedinge, intervention in public space on the occasion of the Setouchi Triennial Place out of Time, Shikokumura/Takamatsu/Japan
2018 Safety Concern, intervention in public space on the occasion of the Chicago Unit The Dust of the World . Washed by Droplets of Dew in Hiketa, Kanagawa Prefecture/Japan
2010 übertragung/transfer, permanent artwork for the passage in the subway station U3
Johnstrasse in Vienna/Austria
2005 Das Dynamische Archiv, Media installation for the North facade of the senior citizens
home in Landeck/Austria
2000 Light-Installation for the facade of the Technology Center LanTech in Landeck/Austria
With Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer) and Gunter Schneider (guitars)
2021 tap codes - Galerie Nothburga, Innsbruck/Austria With Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer) and Gunter Schneider (guitars)
2018 tap codes & sound cuts - Rittaikobo, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
With Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars) and Miida Seiichiro
(wood cut)
2017 tap codes - Galerie Schloss Museum, Landeck/Austria With Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer) and Gunter Schneider (guitars)
2014 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with Gunter Schneider (guitars), students of the Academy of Fine Arts & Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki/Finland
2014 klopfzeichen & klangschnitte/tap codes & sound cuts, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), students of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of the Arts, students of the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) of the University of Melbourne/Australia, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
2013 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider
(guitars), Atelier im Karrnerwaldele, Landeck/Austria
2013 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with M'Bwende Anderson, Allison Walker, Erica Barajas, Andres
Searl and Anna Marshall (instrumental), Gwen Frostic School of Art/Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo/USA
2013 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with Ian William Craig (synthesizer, electronics), Tim Sars
(baritone sax) a.o., University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC/Canada
2012 klopfzeichen/tap codes 2+2=1, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Jeremias Altmann (wood-block print), my art Gallery, Vienna/Austria
(guitars), Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Austria
2010 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider
(guitars), Alte Schieberkammer, Vienna/Austria
2009 klopfzeichen & klangschnitte/tap codes & sound cuts, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Ohmori Yuka (composition), Raita Miadera (wood cut), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
2009 klopfzeichen - klangschnitte - sprachsplitter/tap codes - sound cuts - splints of speech,
with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Unami Taku (gadgets),
Rosa Pock (words), Peter Ahorner (words), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), Loop-Line, Tokyo/Japan
2009 klopfzeichen - klangschnitte - sprachsplitter/tap codes - sound cuts - splints of speech,
with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Rosa Pock (words),
Peter Ahorner (words), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), altern’art CY. Tokyo/Japan
2008 klopfzeichen & klangschnitte/tap codes & sound cuts, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), art didacta, Innsbruck/Austria
2008 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider
(guitars), Musikmeile Innsbruck/Austria
2007 klopfzeichen & klangschnitte/tap codes & sound cuts,with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), students of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
2007 klopfzeichen & klangschnitte/tap codes & sound cuts, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Raita Miadera (wood cut), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut),
Loop-Line, Tokyo/Japan
2007 klopfzeichen & klangschnitte/tap codes & sound cuts, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider (guitars), Yasuhara Masayuki (theremin), Segawa Maiko (wood cut), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), Gallery Syun, Nagoya/Japan
2007 klopfzeichen/tap codes, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider
(guitars), Klimtvilla, Vienna/Austria
Schneider (guitars), Yasuhara Masayuki (theremin), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), Isomi Teruo
(wood cut), Gallery 22a. Innsbruck/Austria
2006 klopfzeichen III x III/tap codes III x III, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter
Schneider (guitars), Yasuhara Masayuki (theremin), Miida Seiichiro (wood cut), Isomi Teruo
(wood cut), International Artist Symposum, Zwettl/Austria
2006 klopfzeichen II/tap codes II, with Gunter Schneider (guitars), University of Klagenfurt/Austria
2005 klopfzeichen I/tap codes I, with Barbara Romen (hammered dulcimer), Gunter Schneider
(guitars), Osterfestival, Hall i.T./Austria
1996 unentschlüsselte tafel/slab undeciphered, Music-Performance with the Tyrolean Ensemble for New Music on the occasion of Art Austria 1000 in Fujino/Japan
Awards, Grants & Scholarships
2016 Order of Merit for Art and Culture by the City of Landeck/Austria
2013 Excellent Guide Teacher Award, on the occasion of the 4th Academy Shanghai Contemporary Print Exhibition, Tongji University, Shanghai/China
2012 College Art Association CAA International Travel Grant
2005 Theodor-Körner Research Award for Computer Aided Printmaking and the Polymer Print
by Theodor-Körner-Fonds, Vienna/Austria
2004 The Dynamic Archive, 1st Prize at the Competition for Art work in Public Space for the
Senior citizens home in Landeck/Austria
2001 Travel Grant of the Arts Division of the Austrian Chancellery
2000 Purchase Award at Wood-cut today, International Printmaking Competition by Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg/Germany
1998 Grant from the Arts Division of the Austrian Chancellery for the publication of the catalog
unentschlüsselte tafel.rekonstruktionen
1998 Project grant by the City of Vienna for the publication of the catalog unentschlüsselte tafel.rekonstruktionen
1996 Prize at the 2nd Competition of the Asahi Art Foundation in Tokyo/Japan
1995 Purchase Award of the Machida International Museum for Graphic Arts in Tokyo/Japan
1993 Purchase Award at the 23rd Austrian Competition of Graphic Arts in Innsbruck/Austria
1993 Monbukagakusho Research Scholarship by the Japanese government
1992 Culture Award of Landeck City/Austria
1991 Award of the Friends of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna/Austria
Selected Public Collections
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung/Taiwan
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI/USA
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC/Canada
University of Colorado Boulder, CO/USA
Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai/China
Graphic Collection Albertina, Vienna/Austria
Graphic Collection of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna/Austria
Machida International Museum for Graphic Arts, Tokyo/Japan
Japanese Institute of Technology, Tokyo/Japan
Artothek (Collection of the Austrian Federal Chancellery), Vienna/Austria
Art Collection of the City of Vienna/Austria
Art Collection of the City of Innsbruck/Austria
Art Collection of the City of Landeck/Austria
Museum of Graphic Art, Grenchen/Switzerland
Tyrolean Museum of Art and History Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck/Austria
Tyrolean Government, Innsbruck/Austria
School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA/USA
Collection of Webster University, St. Louis, MO/USA
Collection of St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY/USA
Collection of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI/USA
Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory Keiko Kadota, Japan
Graphic Collection Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg/Germany
Toleman Collection, Tokyo/Japan
Komm.Rat Dr. Hans Klocker & Dr. Wolfgang Klocker-Stiftung, Innsbruck/Austria
Reviews (R), Publication of Work (P), Broadcasting (Audio/Video)
Haueis, Daniel: Besondere Ehre, In: Rundschau Landeck, 15./16.5.2024/CW20, p. 29 (R/P) Koubek, Gabriele: Nächster Halt: Johnstraße, In: Gratis aber nicht umsonst . KUNST IN DEN STATIONEN DER WIENER U-BAHN, 2024, - Life is a Story Ed., pp. 24-27 (R/P) (Thalia Storyteller Award 2024) Xylon Österreich | Jubiläumsausstellung 45 Jahre Xylon Österreich | Holzschnitt &
Hofer, Christa: West trifft Ost, In: Reimmichl Volkskalender 2023, Birgitt Drewes (Ed.), Athesia publ., pp. 174-181 (R/P) Bentz, Oliver / Stifter, Wolfgang / Szikszay, Philip (Ed.): Meisterschule Maximilian Melcher,
p. 35 (R/P)
p. 25 (R/P)
Katja "katuuschka" Seifert, Vienna 2021, pp. 84-87 (R)
Publish or Perish!, exhibition catalog, Tokyo University of the Arts (Ed.), 2020, pp. 48-49 (P) Ausgedinge, In: Place out of Time, exhibition catalog / Setouchi Triennial 2019, Tokyo University of the Arts/Oil Painting Department (Ed.), 2020, pp. 80-83 (P)
5th TIAF, exhibition catalog, Kobun Gallery (Ed.), Tokyo/Japan, 2019 (P)
4th Global Print, exhibition catalog, Douro/Portugal, 2019 (P)
Safety Concern, In: The Dust of the World . Washed by Droplets of Dew, exhibition catalog, Chicago Unit 2018 in Hiketa/Kagawa, pp. 104-107 (P)
Kröll, Marian: Prägungen. In: Echo, September 2017, pp. 55-59 (R/P) Pircher, Luis: Grautöne. In: Rundschau, 13./14.9.2017, pp. 42-43 (R/P) In:ätter (online), 11.9.2017 (R/P)
ORF Tirol Heute, KW37/2017 (Video)
Block Making as a Means of Painting, exhibition catalog, China Academy of Art (Ed.), 2017 (P)
4th TIAF, exhibition catalog, Kobun Gallery (Ed.), Tokyo/Japan, 2017 (P)
Xylon Austria 2016, exhibition catalog (P)
pp. 48-49 (P)
p. 13 (P)
pp. 74-75 (R/P)
In: aether magazine, AUSTIN special edition January 2014, pp. 16-21 (R/P)
January 2014 (R/P)
p. 69 (R/P)
2nd Gathering Talents - Series Selection of Printmaking Masters. 6th Hangzhou Art Exposition,
exhibition catalog, May 2013 (P)
Yalova International Art Biennale. Artist group FLUSS (Ed.), exhibition catalog (P)
Yalova Biennale 2013, tvarsivi (Video)
ViseGrafiken+. Balassi-Institute/Collegium Hungaricum Vienna (Ed.) with Slovakian Institute,
exhibition booklet (P)
Vollmer, April: The Renaissance of a Japanese Woodblock Technique. In: g&e - Grabado y Edición/Print and Art Edition Magazine (Madrid), 36/2012, p. 66 (P)
The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012, sina TV (Video)
The Origin of the Dimension: Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012. Printmaking Art
Committee of Chinese Artists Association (CAA) & China National Academy of Printmaking (Ed.),
exhibition catalog & booklet, pp. 33, 216-221 (P)
xylon 2012/2013. March 2012, p. 37 (P)
Chinesische und österreichische Druckgrafik. Sammlung der chinesischen und österreichischen Druckgrafiken und drittes Symposium der Druckgrafik. Shanghai University Press 9/2011,
pp. 13-20 (P)
Xylon 1011, exhibition catalog, p. 35 (P)
Xin Ming Wan News. (Shanghai) 10.9.2011, p. B2 (P)
Wen hui News. (Shanghai) 6.9.2011, p. 5 (R)
Kunstwelten. 100 zeitgenössische Künstler aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Bösner GesmbH. (Ed.) 2011, pp. 705-714 (R/P)
Maurer, Philipp: Michael Schneider - übertragung. In: Wiener U-Bahn-Kunst. Wiener Linien (Ed.) 2011, pp. 98-103 (R/P)
Zukunft. Die Diskussionszeitschrift für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur. 6/2011, p. 19 (P)
5a Bienal Internacional de Gravura do Douro. Núcleo de Gravura de Alijó 2010, p. 70 (P)
p. 17 (R/P)
1./2.5.2010, p. 51 (R/P)
Front page & p. 30 (R/P)
Artmann, H.C.: nachtwindsucher - yokaze no uta. edition ps. Vienna 2008 (P)
Moser, Manfred & Pechriggl, Alice (Ed.) Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt: Aufenthalt -
Bewegung, Bewegung - Aufenthalt. Klagenfurt 2008 (P)
Printmaking at the Edge. The Museum of Photography (Ed.) Seoul 2007, p. 70-71 (P)
Reiz des Konträren. Nothburga: Maier & Schneider. In: Tiroler Krone, 2.2.2007, p. 43 (R/P)
Schlocker, Edith: Gegensätzliches. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 25/2007, 31.1.2007, p. 13 (R/P)
Gell, Markus (Ed.): schwarzweiss - geschnitten. Rankweil 2006, pp. 66-67 (P)
Noyce, Richard: Printmaking at the Edge. London 2006, pp. 124-126 (R/P)
Der Klang zur Druckplatte. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 197/2006, p. 28 (R)
Standortbestimmung auf dem Gebiet des Hochdrucks. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 28.8.2006,
p. 14 (R)
Dreifach - Holzschnitte auf Schloss Landeck. In: Rundschau, 30.8.2006, p. 36 (R/P)
Xylon Österreich - Holzschnitt + Hochdruck - Jahresausstellung 2006/2007 - Eine Hommage für
Prof. Johannes Wanke, exhibition catalog 2006, p. 36 (P)
Schlocker, Edith: Bild gewordene Illusionen. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 14.12.2005 (R)
Maurer, Philipp: Michael Schneiders druckgraphische Synthesen. Austrian Culture Forum (Ed.),
Istanbul 2005 (R/P)
Maurer, Philipp: Michael Schneiders druckgraphische Synthesen. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 4/2005,
p. 8 (R/P)
Theodor Körner Preis an Michael Schneider. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/2005, p. 3 (R/P)
Dankl, Günther: Das Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Über die grafische Sammlung des Museums. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 4/2004, pp. 20-21 (R)
Seiichiro Miida und Michael Schneider in Tirol. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 3/2004, p. 7 (R/P)
Maurer, Philipp: Japanische Holzschnitte aus 100 Jahren. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 3/2004,
pp. 6-7 (R)
Baumann, Uwe-Thomas: Druckgraphisches Kopfkino. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/2004,
pp. 12-13 (R/P)
Schlocker, Edith: Subtil in das Holz gelegte Spuren. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 11.7.2004 (R/P)
Spiegler, Almuth: Puppen und Pingpong-Bälle in einem Eck der Welt. In: Die Presse,
25.2.2002 (R)
Parth, Elisabeth: Joint Research & Development. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 3/2003, pp. 1, 3 (R/P)
Koschatzky, Walter: Die graphischen Künste. In: Schmied, Wieland: Geschichte der Bildenden Kunst in Österreich: Das 20. Jahrhundert. München, London, New York 2002, Vol. VI, pp. 308,
312, 610 (R/P)
2/2002, p. 1 (R/P)
MTG Międzynarodowe Triennale Grafiki Kraków 2000: Most do przyszŧości (International Print Triennial Krakow 2000: Bridge to the Future), p. 57 (P)
Knofler, Monika: Zeichen im Holz. In: Vernissage, 2/1999, pp. 30-33 (R/P)
Parth, Elisabeth (Hg.): Spuren des Gebrauchs. Vienna 1999 (R/P)
Sotriffer, Kristian: Zeichen aus dem Holz herausgeklopft. In: Die Presse, 8.3.1999, p. 21 (R/P)
Koschatzky, Walter: Die Kunst der Grafik - Heute. Zur 23. Int. Grafikbiennale in Ljubljana. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/1999, pp. 2, 3 (R)
Hilger, Wolfgang: Michael Schneider. In: Wiener Symphoniker, Season preview 1999 (R/P)
Parth, Elisabeth: Estampa 98. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 4/1998, p. 6 (P)
Hauser, Daniel: Wanderer zwischen den Kulturen. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 20.12.1996, p. 7 (R)
Nitsche, Gerald: Holzschnitte von Michael Schneider im Österreichischen Kulturinstitut.
In: St. Georgs Blatt/Istanbul, May 1996, p. 11 (R/P)
Schlocker, Edith: Tiefe Einschnitte in das Holz. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 31.1.1996 (R)
Brüggeler, Monika: Moderne Kunst und Tradition. In: Neue Kronenzeitung, 17.1.1996, p. 19 (R)
Landeck 1993, p. 3 (R)
S. A. Galerie der Holzschnitte. In: Morgenpost/Chemnitz, 19.10.1991 (R/P)
Linde, Winfried W.: Mal Positives, Klang Negatives. In: Kurier, 4.4.1991 (R)
Schlocker, Edith: Glotzende Fensterlöcher, privater Kult. In: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 22.3.1991 (R)
Brüggeler, Monika: Junge Kunst Tirol 1991. In: Kurier, 22.3.1991, p. 21 (R)
Ausstellung im Theseustempel, In: Arbeiter Zeitung, 11.9.1991, p. 18 (R)
MM - Ein Buch, das nicht so leicht zu lesen ist. In: Meisterschule Maximilian Melcher,
Österreich | Jubiläumsausstellung 45 Jahre Xylon Österreich | Holzschnitt & Hochdruck
2022 2023, pp. 6-7 (comment)
7/2020, p. 4 (comment)
Publish or Perish!, on the occasion of Graphica Creativa/Finnish Graphic Triennial,
Sprechen Sie Mokuhanga? Der japanische Holzschnitt und der Westen. In: Wilms,
Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren (Ed.), 2017, pp. 120-125 (essay, with Miida Seiichiro)
Searching for the Source. In: Wiener Zeitung / Special supplement THEMA: "Tools for Thoughts & Traces", University of Applied Arts Vienna (Ed.), 8 May 2015, p. 18 (essay) (comment)
p. 13 (review)
Printed Art from Shanghai in Vienna. In: Chinese Contemporary Printmaking from Shanghai. Vienna: edition ps, 2013, p. 2 (comment)
In: Wiener Zeitung (The Essence - special supplement), June 2013, p. 20-21 (essay)
Exhibition 2012 at Shanghai Art Museum. In: Um:Druck, 22/2013, p. 23 (comment)
Searching for the Source. In: The Origin of the Dimension. Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2012, exhibition catalog, pp. 56-59 (essay)
Viennafair. In: Um:Druck, 21/2012, p. 5 (comment, with Philipp Maurer)
Kleiner Wegweiser durchs Technik-Labyrinth. In: Um:Druck, 21/2012, p. 5 (comment)
Bulgarian Artists & Vienna, a personal reflection. In: Contemporary Icons, recent art from Bulgaria, exhibition catalog, 2012, pp. 14-17 (essay)
19/2012, p. 27 (review)
Die Gegenwart der Druckgrafik in Europa. In: Shanghai Xin Ming Wan News, 10.9.2011,
p. B2 (essay)
with Elisabeth Parth)
Die Gegenwart der Druckgrafik in Europa. In: Chinesische und österreichische Druckgrafik. Shanghai University Press, September 2011, pp. 4-10 (editorial)
im:print 2011. zustandsprotokolle aktueller druckgrafik / journal of the current state of printmaking. 02/2011 (co-editor & editorial pp. 9-19) Printmaking at its Limits - Print Unlimited? Two events, one topic. In: im:print 2011. zustandsprotokolle aktueller druckgrafik / journal of the current state of printmaking. 02/2011, pp. 21 - 36 (with Monika Knofler & Georg Russegger)
Zeichen und Formen. In: Wiener Zeitung (The Essence - special supplement), June 2010,
pp. 18-19 (essay)
im:print 2010. zustandsprotokolle aktueller druckgrafik / journal of the current state of printmaking. 01/2010 (co-editor & editorial pp. 9-18) Bilder einer Revolution. In: Xylon 1011, catalog for the Xylon Exhibitions 2010/2011,
pp. 6-7 (essay)
The Future of Tradition in Printmaking. In: The Archive (Ueno Town Art Museum). Tokyo 2010 (essay)
Zartschmelzend. In: Um:Druck, 11/2009 (comment on Johanna Klement's artwork) p. 27 (essay)
pp. 18-19 (essay)
p. 70 (essay)
Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst, No. 63/2008, pp. 46-47 (essay)
Das Ende der Druckgrafik. Eine Betrachtung ohne Rückblick. In: Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Exlibris und Gebrauchsgrafik. No. 65/2007-2008, pp. 96-98 (essay)
Philipp Maurer)
Über die Bedeutung des Holzschnittes für den Paradigmenwechsel der Kultur. In: Xylon 0809,
catalog for the Xylon Exhibitions 2008/09, pp. 6-7 (essay)
Scribble Prints. In: Wiener Zeitung (The Essence - special supplement), May 2008,
pp. 16-17 (essay)
Edvard Zajec: Die Strenge der Zahlen. In: Um:Druck, 6/2007, p. 9 (essay)
Von der Enzyklopädie zum Computer. In: Um:Druck, 4/2007, pp. 17-18 (essay, with Philipp Maurer)
Miida Seiichiro. In: Um:Druck, 3/2007, p. 5 (comment)
Der Computer und der Holzschnitt. In: Um:Druck, 3/2007, pp. 17-18 (essay, with Philipp Maurer)
Prof. Johannes Wanke. In: Xylon Österreich - Holzschnitt + Hochdruck - Jahresausstellung 2006/2007 - Eine Hommage für Prof. Johannes Wanke, exhibition catalog, p. 7 (obituary)
Das Fell über die Ohren gezogen! In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 1/2005, p. 6 (comment)
… Prints … Tom Lang in Der Kleinen Galerie, Vienna. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/2005,
pp. 1, 3 (review)
Der ökonomische Sachzwang oder Wie man sich die Welt zurecht schreiben kann. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/2005, p. 2 (critique)
Xylon 2004: Totgesagte leben länger! In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 1/2005, p. 11 (comment)
Tom Lang - Druckgraphik ohne Scheuklappen. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 1/2005, p. 11 (review)
Hanazawa, Yota: mori. Vienna: edition ps, 2004 (editor)
Vom Gegenstand zum Material. Zu den druckgraphischen Arbeiten von Franz Herberth. In: Franz Herberth. Dimensionen der Druckgrafik um 1950. Graphic Collection at the University of Applied Arts (Ed.), Vienna 2003, pp. 9-11 (essay)
Innsbruck die Sechste: Von den „Editions“ ist wenig geblieben. Über die Innsbrucker Kunstmesse. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 1/2002, pp. 1, 8 (critique)
Nicht weil es nicht auch anders sein könnte. Der Bildhauer Michael Defner. In: Michael Defner.
Vienna: edition ps, 2002 (essay)
Das Porträt in der Druckgrafik. Museum of Modern Art, New York. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/2001,
p. 23 (critique)
r.u.t. Vienna: edition ps, 2001 - 2004 (editor) Die Künstler, die Fälscher, die Politiker und ihr Umgang. Die Künstlersozialversicherung in Österreich. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 1/2001, p. 20 (critique)
Fuji, der Berg, den es nur einmal gibt. Der Berg Fuji in der Druckgrafik, anlässlich einer Ausstellung im MAK, Wien. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 2/2000, p. 8 (essay)
Werner Berg in Baden - Ein Querschnitt durch das druckgraphische Werk von 1929 bis 1978. In:
Wiener Kunsthefte, 4/2000, p. 9 (review)
Yon Nin Ten - 4 japanische Druckgrafiker. Noda Tetsuya, Nakabayashi Tadayoshi, Miida Seiichiro und Mishio Hideharu in der Kleinen Galerie. In: Wiener Kunsthefte, 3/1999, pp. 1, 2 (review)
Eine gefährliche Stelle - Berühmte Ansichten aus 60 Provinzen von Ando Hiroshige. In: Wiener
Kunsthefte, 1/1999, p. 5 (review)
Ding O.T. Landeck 1993 (editor)
Im Zoologischen Garten der Relikte den Urwald des Sinns einem Sonntagsspaziergang preisgeben. In: Ding O.T. Landeck 1993. p. 5 (essay)
Ohne Titel. Reflexive Worte. In: Ding O.T. Landeck 1993. p. 52 (essay)
Design & Book Art
2020 Nobody is against it, drawings for an for plate lithography adapted version of the 2013 one of a kind book version 2013 Nobody is against it, Ink drawings on 3 folded/cut cardboards in slipcase, binding by Elisabeth Parth, One of a kind, Yalova/Turkey 2013 Stage settings for the stage version of the movie Indien (Austria 1993, script by Paul Harather, Josef Hader, Alfred Dorfer), directed by Katharina Kutil
2012 Niederschlag, Design for the published series The Meditative Macaque, in Um:Druck, No. 21, September 2012, pp. 24-25
2002 Printing by Numbers, Wood-block prints, Polymer-Intaglio and Frottages, binding by Elisabeth Parth, 2 copies, St. Louis/USA & Vienna/Austria 2008 The playful Macaque in the black cards, Design for the published series The Meditative
Macaque, in Um:Druck, No. 8, June 2008, pp. 23, 24-25
100 copies, Istanbul, Graf: EYE editions
1995 Cover-design for the CD-collection Clarinettissimo by the Japanese Clarinettist Yuji Murai
September 22, 2024
Publish or Perish!, lecture in Japanese on the occasion of the exhibition Kwaidan . Encounters Nagoya/Japan
January 17, 2024
November 30, 2023
October 27, 2023
May 8, 2023
September/October 2022
May 24, 2022
March 9, 2022
December 7, 2021
Publish or Perish!, online Lecture in English at the Academic Forum on the occasion of the 24. National Print Exhibition, Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute SCFAI, organized
by the Print Committee of China Artists Association, Chongqing/China
Publish or Perish!, Lecture in English, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Gedruckte Kunst von Ukiyo-e bis zur documenta, Lecture in German on the occasion of 150 years diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria, OAG House, Tokyo/Japan
The Current State of Printmaking, Lecture in English, Montclair State University, New Jersey/USA
Media in the Making, Lecture in English, University of Melbourne VCA, Australia
Contemporary Print, Lecture in English, College Women's Association of Japan (Org.),
Tokyo American Club, Japan
March 21, 2015
Exchanges between Austria and Japan, Video conference, panel Dialogues: Modes of Exchange and Collaborative Practices on the occasion of the Southern Graphics Council International Conference, Knoxville/USA
December 2, 2014
The Challenges in Printmedia, Lecture in English, Academy of Fine Arts & Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki/Finland
March 7, 2014
Challenges in Printmedia, Lecture in English, International Conference Password: Printmaking,
Mednarodni grafični likovni center (MGLC)/Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art),
October 31, 2013
Paradigm Shifts in Contemporary Print Praxis, Lecture in English, Western Michigan University/Gwen Frostic School of Art, Kalamazoo MI/USA
October 21, 2013
Paradigm Shifts in Contemporary Print Praxis, Lecture in English, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver BC/Canada
October 31, 2012
Searching for the Source, Lecture in English, Symposium The Origin of the Dimension, Shanghai
Art Museum, Shanghai/China
May 8, 2012
Printing around the Globe, Lecture in English, Symposium Semiotics as Philosophy for Education,
University of Bath/UK
September 8, 2011
Current Topics in Printmaking and future developments, Lecture in English, 3rd Printmaking Symposium, College of Fine Art/Shanghai University, Shanghai/China
June 10, 2011
Myth and Rediscovery - Europe and Mokuhanga Today, Lecture in English, 1st International Mokuhanga Conference, Kyoto & Awaji/Japan
November 15, 2009
The Future of Tradition in Printmaking, Keynote speaker, Lecture in English, International Symposium The Traditional - Today, Ueno Town Museum & Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
September 11, 2009
Concepts, practice and reception of contemporary printmaking in Tokyo and Vienna, Lecture in German, Symposium Everyday Live and Leisure Time now and in Future, Institute for East Asian & Japan Studies/University of Vienna and Meiji-University/Tokyo, Vienna/Austria
November 16, 2008
The published image - tradition and future of printmaking, Lecture in German, L.S.Z. CIO-Congress/5th IT-Management Conference, Loipersdorf/Austria
October 29, 2008
Origin and contemporary practice of wood-block print in Europe, Lecture in English, College of Fine Art/Shanghai University, Shanghai/China
October 22, 2008
Printmaking, the origin of contemporary visual culture, Keynote speaker, Lecture in Japanese,
International Symposium PAPER - prints, printmaking, Ueno Town Museum & Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
October 19, 2008
Origin and contemporary practice of wood-block print in Europe, Lecture in Japanese, Takayama Woodcut Biennial, Takayama/Japan
December 3, 2007
Printmaking - the published experiment, Lecture in German, University Mozarteum, Salzburg/Austria
October 19, 2007
Polymerprint and Computer Aided Printmaking, Lecture in Japanese, Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, Tokyo/Japan
August 27, 2007
Paradigmatic Changes in the Field of Printmaking, Keynote speaker, Lecture in English, Falun
Triennalen, Dalarnas Museum, Falun/Sweden
March 21, 2007
The repetitive pattern of adopting new techniques by printmaking artists, Lecture in English,
Southern Graphics Council Conference, Kansas City/USA
Invited Talks, Moderations
AAIP – Artists As Independent Publishers . ブックアート展覧会 AAIP JAPAN, opening remarks & moderation in English & Japanese of the collaborative project by Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan), University of the Arts Bremen (Germany), Art University Halle – Burg Giebichenstein (Germany), University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Austria), St Lucas School of Art in Antwerp (Belgium) and the Royal College of Art in London (UK), Tokyo University of the Arts Learning Commons/Japan (invitation)
occasion of the exhibition with art works by Felix Dieckmann and Josef Linschinger at the
Church St. Michael in Nakameguro/Tokyo, organized by OAG Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur-
und Völkerkunde, Tokyo/Japan
Publish or Perish!, online Opening remarks in English, Cecille R. Hunt Gallery | Webster University, St. Louis/USA (Video by Emma Bright | HEC-TV St. Louis)
The Role of Artistic and Creative Methods and Thinking for Societal and Economic Development, Symposium, Moderation in German & Japanese, Tokyo University of the Arts/School of Fine Arts, Japan
Zureta International, Exhibition/Symposium, Moderation in German, English & Japanese, Chinretsukan/Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
Zureta Exhibition Shanghai, Opening remarks in English, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, China
March 18, 2015
ずれた Zureta, Panel participation at the “Um:Druck Gespräche”, a series of talks to theory, history and practice in printmaking hosted by the Institute for Science and Art (IWK), Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
February 16, 2015
Exhibition Narration - Erotik - Kontemplation by Erich Novoszel, Opening remarks, Galerie am Park, Vienna/Austria
November 19, 2014
for freedom and diversity of arts education), panel discussion organized by Verein
der Freunde und Freundinnen der wiener kunst schule - Institut für Kunstförderung,
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
March 27, 2014
Panel participation on the INKubator Session, Southern Graphics Council International Conference, San Francisco/USA
February 10, 2014
Exhibition Hochdruck aus Leipzig by Harald Alff, Hans Olaf Bote, Susann Hoch, Stephanie Marx,
Gerlinde Meyer, Franziska Neubert, Petra Schuppenhauer & Gabriele Sperlich, Opening remarks, Gallery at Karl-Renner-Institute, Vienna/Austria
October 18, 2013
Get togethers, Videoconference on the occasion of 150[Ciclos] Portfolio Exchange, Artists talks hosted by Proyecto'Ace, Buenos Aires/Argentina
August 31, 2013
New Challenges in Print Media, Panel chair, Impact 8 International Printmaking Conference, Dundee/UK
Co-chairs: Chiara Giorgetti (Accademia di Belle Arti de Brera, Mailand/IT), Patricia Villalobos Echeverría (Gwen Frostic School of Art, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI/USA)
October 18, 2012
Wider die Kunstreligion, Panel participation at the “Um:Druck Gespräche”, a series of talks
to theory, history and practice in printmaking hosted by the Institute for Science and Art (IWK),
Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
October 4, 2012
Exhibition Schwein gehabt by Desislava Unger, Opening remarks, Bank Austria, Vienna/Austria
May 31, 2012
Fotographie und Druckgraphik, Panel participation at the “Um:Druck Gespräche”, a series of talks to theory, history and practice in printmaking hosted by the Institute for Science and Art (IWK), Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
March 17, 2012
Launching the SGCI Journal, Panel participation at the INKubator Session, Southern Graphics
Council International Conference, New Orleans/USA
November 25, 2011
Letterpress printing today: From the printing plate to the pixel-matrix?, Panel participation on the
occasion of the Symposium Hochdruck in Leipzig 2011, Tapetenwerk, Leipzig/Germany
November 24, 2011
Wolfgang Ullrich, Raffinierte Kunst. Eine Diskussion über den Wertzuwachs von Bildern durch die
Reproduktion, Panel participation at the “Um:Druck Gespräche”, a series of talks to theory, history and practice in printmaking hosted by the Institute for Science and Art (IWK), Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
October 6, 2011
Topics in Contemporary Printmaking, Panel participation on the occasion of the Symposium Hochdruck in Leipzig 2011, Museum of the Printing Arts, Leipzig/Germany
September 8, 2011
Exhibition Chinese-Austrian Printmaking, Opening remarks, Shanghai Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai/China
March 17, 2011
Print In/Ex, Panel chair, Southern Graphics Council International Conference, St. Louis/USA
Panelists: Neil Wiliam Malone (Head of Printmaking, University of Melbourne/Australia),
Melanie Yazzie (Associate Professor of Art, University of Colorado, Boulder/Colorado/USA)
March 17, 2011
Exhibition The Graduate: 4 Printmakers, Opening remarks, Three Sinks Gallery, St. Louis/USA
November 17, 2010
Print Unlimited?, Panel participation and moderation, Kunsthalle Vienna/Videolounge, Vienna/Austria
November 16, 2010
Exhibition Print unlimited, Opening remarks, Gallery Kro Art Contemporary, Vienna/Austria
July 15, 2010
Exhibition Contemporary Wood-cut - XYLON-Österreich, Opening remarks, Thöni Academy, Telfs/Austria
November 4, 2009
Exhibition 移行umsteigen II. Works by Art students from Japan (Tokyo University of the Arts) and Austria (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Opening remarks, Heiligenkreuzerhof/Sala Terrana, Vienna/Austria
October 8, 2009
Exhibition Astrid Kitzler, Johanna Klement, Opening remarks, Renner-Institute Gallery, Vienna/Austria
February 27, 2009
Exhibition Polygraphy - Experimental Printmaking, Opening remarks, Gallery art.ig, Vienna/Austria
October 25, 2008
Exhibition 移行umsteigen. Presentation of an Exchange Portfolio by 33 Art students from Japan
(Tokyo University of the Arts) and Austria (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Opening remarks,
Embassy of Austria/Cultural Forum, Tokyo/Japan
Curating Experience
Shibuya, Tokyo/Japan
project by Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan), University of the Arts Bremen (Germany),
Art University Halle – Burg Giebichenstein (Germany), University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Austria), St Lucas School of Art in Antwerp (Belgium) and the Royal College of Art in London (UK), Tokyo University of the Arts Learning Commons/Japan (invitation)
Ithaca NY/USA
Zureta International, Medium Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts and Design,
Zureta International, NEON Gallery, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art
and Design, Wrocław/Poland
Zureta International, University of Melbourne VCY, Australia
Zureta International, Chinretsukan, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
Zureta International, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, China
June 18 - 26, 2015
ずれた Zureta, with works by students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo University of the Arts, with Miida Seiichiro, Tokyo University of the Arts/Art Space, Tokyo/Japan
March 17 - April 30, 2015
ずれた Zureta, with works by students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo
University of the Arts, with Miida Seiichiro, Heiligenkreuzerhof/Sala Terrena, Vienna/Austria
September 12 - December, 2014
July 13 - August 24, 2012
Contemporary Icons: Recent Art from Bulgaria, with Jeffrey Hughes, Bulgarian Culture Institute (Haus Wittgenstein), Vienna/Austria
March 23 - April 21, 2012
Contemporary Icons: Recent Art from Bulgaria, with Jeffrey Hughes, Cecille R. Hunt Gallery, St. Louis/USA
September 6 - 16, 2011
Chinese-Austrian Printmaking, with Zhou Goubin, Shanghai Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai/China
March 17 - April 9, 2011
Print In/Ex (exchange portfolio with 53 works by Art students from the University of Applied Arts
Vienna, Tokyo University of the Arts and the College of Fine Arts/Shanghai University),
Cecille R. Hunt Gallery, St. Louis/USA
March 17 - April 9, 2011
The Graduate: 4 Printmakers, with Tom Lang, Three Sinks Gallery, St. Louis/USA
November 16, 2010 - January 16, 2011
Print unlimited, Gallery Kro Art Contemporary, Vienna/Austria
April 22 - May 21, 2010
Vienna in Exile in Shanghai/Exile Shanghai (exchange portfolio with works by Art students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the College of Fine Arts/Shanghai University), with Wolfgang J. Bandion, Jewish Museum/Palais Eskeles, Vienna/Austria
March 28 - April 11, 2010
Vienna in Exile in Shanghai/Exile Shanghai (exchange portfolio with works by Art students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the College of Fine Arts/Shanghai University), with Wolfgang J. Bandion, College of Fine Arts/Shanghai University, Shanghai/China
November 13 - 25, 2009
移行 umsteigen II (with works by 27 Art students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo University of the Arts), with Miida Seiichiro, Ueno Town Art Museum UTM, Tokyo/Japan
November 4 - 22, 2009
移行 umsteigen II (with works by 27 Art students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo University of the Arts), with Miida Seiichiro, Heiligenkreuzerhof/Sala Terrena, Vienna/Austria
March 20 - April 13, 2009
移行 umsteigen (exchange portfolio by 33 Art students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo University of the Arts), with Miida Seiichiro, Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
October 21 - 25, 2008
移行 umsteigen (exchange portfolio by 33 Art students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Tokyo University of the Arts), with Miida Seiichiro, Embassy of Austria/Culture Forum, Tokyo/Japan
March 21 - April 18, 2008
Exchange - Prints from Nagoya, contemporary printmaking from Aichi/Japan, with Tom Lang and Miida Seiichiro, Cecille R. Hunt Gallery, St. Louis/USA
August 22 - September 23, 2007
Further: 35 printmakers from 14 countries, exhibition concept by Scott Betz, with Chang-Soo Kim and Richard Noyce, Art Space Wohlleb, Vienna/Austria
December 2 - 14, 2005
Manga meets Hanga (group-show with works by Art students of Aichi University of Fine Arts,
Aichi/Japan, prepared by students of Webster University Vienna), Vienna Public Library, Vienna/Austria
July 2005
Manga meets Hanga (group-show with works by Art students of Aichi University of Fine Arts, Aichi/Japan), Grünes Haus/County Museum, Reutte/Austria
2004 Visual Poetry from Japan, collection Josef Linschinger, Webster University, Vienna/Austria
2000 0 auf 1, Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
1999 Yon Nin Ten (Tetsuya Noda, Tadayoshi Nakabayashi, Seiichiro Miida, Hideharu Mishio),
Die Kleine Galerie, Vienna/Austria
1995/96 Art Austria 1000, Fujino/Japan and Gallery Crillon, Tokyo/Japan
Conference & Symposia Attendance
Echizen (Fukui)/Japan
Symposium on Contemporary Photography on the occasion of the exhibition Reversible Art Museum
2019 The Role of Artistic and Creative Methods and Thinking for Societal and Economic
Development, Symposium, Tokyo University of the Arts/School of Fine Arts, Japan
2017 Zureta International, Chinretsukan/Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
March 30 - April 3, 2016 Southern Graphics Council International Conference, Portland/USA
March 18 - 21, 2015 Southern Graphics Council International Conference, Knoxville/USA
March 26 - 29, 2014 Bridges: Spanning Tradition, Innovation & Activism, Southern Graphics Council International Conference, San Francisco/USA
March 7, 2014 International Conference Password: Printmaking, Mednarodni grafični likovni center (MGLC)/Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana/Slovenia
Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2013 Impact 8 International Printmaking Conference, Dundee/UK
March 20 - 23, 2013 Southern Graphics Council International Conference, Milwaukee/USA
Feb. 13 - 16, 2013 101st College Art Association Conference, New York/USA
October 31, 2012 Symposium The Origin of the Dimension, Shanghai Art Museum,
May 7 - 8, 2012 Conference Semiotics as Philosophy for Education, University of Bath/UK
March 14 - 17, 2012 Southern Graphics Council International Conference, New Orleans/USA
2011 - 2015 Um:Druck Gespräche, a series of talks hosted by the Institute for Science and
Art (IWK), Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
2011 Symposium Hochdruck in Leipzig 2011, Leipzig/Germany
Sept. 8, 2011 3rd Austrian - Chinese Printmaking Symposium, College of Fine Arts/Shanghai University and Shanghai Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai/China
June 7 - 12, 2011 The 1st International Mokuhanga Conference, Kyoto & Awaji/Japan
March 16 - 19, 2011 Southern Graphics Council International Conference, St. Louis/USA
May 28 - 29, 2010 Symposium Matrix, Künstlerhaus, Vienna/Austria
March 24 - 27, 2010 Southern Graphics Council International Conference, Philadelphia/USA
Nov. 14 - 24, 2009 Symposium The Traditional - Today, Ueno Town Art Museum & Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
Sept. 10 - 11, 2009 Symposium Everyday Live and Leisure Time now and in Future,
University of Vienna, Vienna/Austria
October 2008 Takayama Contemporary Woodblock Print Biennial, Takayama/Japan
Oct. 22 - 24, 2008 Symposium PAPER - prints, printmaking, Ueno Town Art Museum & Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo/Japan
Oct. 16 - 24, 2008 International Symposium Translation: Transformation processes in texts,
media and cultures, Waseda University in cooperation with the Austrian Culture Forum, Tokyo/Japan
August 27 - 28, 2007 Falun Triennalen, Dalarnas Museum, Falun/Sweden
March 21 - 25, 2007 Southern Graphics Council Conference, Kansas City/USA
Feb. 14 - 17, 2007 95th College Art Association Conference, New York/USA
Feb. 19 - 22, 2003 91st College Art Association Conference, New York/USA
BAREN Internet-Forum Printmaking (since 1993)
American Print Association (since 2003)